
9:30Welcome from the General Chairs
9:45Session 1: Financial Instability and Precarity
Chaired by José Manuel de Frutos
9:45Preliminary results of the survey on the predoctoral researchers of the Federation of Young Researchers FJI-PRECARIOS
Cristina Rodríguez-Prada, Gomer Betancor Nuez, Josué Gutiérrez-Barroso, Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Lorena Lobo Navas, Manuel Heras-Escribano and Daniel Barrientos Sánchez
10:00Publish and Perish: When the FPU Grant Does Not Meet the Cost of Living
Carlos Calderón and David Garrido
10:15Can You Afford to Research? The Financial Strain of PhD students in Spain
Caterina Fuster-Barceló and Alejandro Guerrero-López
10:30Living on a Diet: A Brief Study of the Daily Allowances of Public Workers in Spain
José Miguel Moreno
10:45Round Table 1: Financial Instability and Precarity
Moderated by José Julián Martín Mediero

Fernanda Alcalá Durand
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Ramiro Mantecón Padín
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Gonzalo Ríos-Muñoz
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Raúl López Martín
FPU Investiga

11:15Coffee Break
11:45Session 2: Gender Bias in Academia
Chaired by Leire Paz Arbaizar
11:45The Glass Ceiling Academy: Where Women Can Look, But Not Touch
Lucía Schmidt-Santiago and Lorena Gallego-Viñarás
12:00The Fading Path to Academia: A Data-Driven Analysis of Gender Disparities in Spanish Universities
Pilar Moreno and José Miguel Moreno
12:15Beyond Graduation: The Struggle for Women in Academic Leadership Roles
Claudia Montero-Ramirez and Irati Oiza-Zapata
12:30Round Table 2: Gender Bias in Academia
Moderated by María Sauras

Arrate Muñoz Barrutia
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón

María del Val Bolívar Oñoro
Universidad de Alcalá

Sandra Muñoz López
Next Educación

13:00Closing Remarks