9:00 | Registration |
9:30 | Welcome from the General Chairs |
9:45 | Session 1: Financial Instability and Precarity Chaired by José Manuel de Frutos |
9:45 | Preliminary results of the survey on the predoctoral researchers of the Federation of Young Researchers FJI-PRECARIOS Cristina Rodríguez-Prada, Gomer Betancor Nuez, Josué Gutiérrez-Barroso, Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Lorena Lobo Navas, Manuel Heras-Escribano and Daniel Barrientos Sánchez |
10:00 | Publish and Perish: When the FPU Grant Does Not Meet the Cost of Living Carlos Calderón and David Garrido |
10:15 | Can You Afford to Research? The Financial Strain of PhD students in Spain Caterina Fuster-Barceló and Alejandro Guerrero-López |
10:30 | Living on a Diet: A Brief Study of the Daily Allowances of Public Workers in Spain José Miguel Moreno |
10:45 | Round Table 1: Financial Instability and Precarity Moderated by José Julián Martín Mediero |
Fernanda Alcalá Durand Ramiro Mantecón Padín Gonzalo Ríos-Muñoz Raúl López Martín | |
11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:45 | Session 2: Gender Bias in Academia Chaired by Leire Paz Arbaizar |
11:45 | The Glass Ceiling Academy: Where Women Can Look, But Not Touch Lucía Schmidt-Santiago and Lorena Gallego-Viñarás |
12:00 | The Fading Path to Academia: A Data-Driven Analysis of Gender Disparities in Spanish Universities Pilar Moreno and José Miguel Moreno |
12:15 | Beyond Graduation: The Struggle for Women in Academic Leadership Roles Claudia Montero-Ramirez and Irati Oiza-Zapata |
12:30 | Round Table 2: Gender Bias in Academia Moderated by María Sauras |
Arrate Muñoz Barrutia María del Val Bolívar Oñoro Sandra Muñoz López | |
13:00 | Closing Remarks |